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ACF Repeater Fields with GenerateBlocks & GeneratePress

  • Hello,

    I’m working with the generate blocks and I’m completely lost how to integrate ACF Repeater fields. I know ho to do it with other ACF like text / Headline and so on (Enable Dynamic Data, Data Source “Current post”, Content Source “Post meta”, Post Meta field “field name”…

    But I really don’t have any idea how the repeater field works?

    Can you give me a hint?

    Thank you and best,
    Stefan D’Amore

  • Hi there,

    its not currently possible to use Repeater Fields with GB.
    we have plans to add support for it once we figure out a future proof method of doing so,

  • Thank you, David.

    Is there another way (for example using PHP scripts, non-GenerateBlocks-Code) to be able to use the repeater fields. Or is it generally impossible with GenerateBlocks?


  • Hi StevenD,

    It’s not possible with GB. You’ll need to follow ACF’s instructions here:

    You can hook PHP code through a Hook Element, and if you want to hook it inside a specific location for instance, you need to create a Portble Hook.

    Creating a Portable Hook:

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