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active buttons

  • Hi there,
    Is it possible to create buttons in category page which will lead to the posts in that category. The buttons will appear in all posts in that category. They will be static element for all posts in that category. And when a user clicks on a button and gets into some post the button should stay in some other color. And the user will be able to see in which post is at the moment. Is there a way to achieve that?
    Thank you

  • Hi there,

    the simplest method would be to use the Secondary Navigation to display the post Categories, and that way they will come with the current-* menu item classes that can be styled in the customiser.

    You can then use a Layout Element to disable the Secondary Navigation where its not required.

    Does that work for you ?

  • Yes, i’ve tested and it works. I can style with CSS and it will look the way I want.

  • Glad to hear that

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