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add padding to site wrapper in GP

  • Hi Support,

    I need to add padding to the top and bottom of my page for a contained website and I keep getting an error when I try to do this and was hoping you could give me some advice on how to accomplish.

    I have tried using the customizer settings but it doesn’t affect the entire website just the content area and I saw one support ticket that created element hooks to the top and footer area to then add css to the site wrapper but that voided the background colors I had.

    So thought I would ask the best way to add 50 px top and bottom to the entire site. Thanks for any help you can give on this. I really appreciate it. I will add the site link to the private area for review.

    Thanks! I hope you have a great day!!


  • Hi Will,

    You’ll need custom CSS for that.

    Add this through Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    body {
        padding: 50px 0;
  • Awesome. Thanks Fernando!! I appreciate it!!

  • You’re welcome!

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