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Adding fonts from a Block Theme

  • How can I make fonts registered in a Block Theme (via Theme.json and/or the WordPress Font Manager in the site editor) appear in the list of fonts in Generate Blocks ‘typography’ settings? All I see is ‘system fonts’.


  • Hi there,

    its not directly possible at this time, it is something we are looking into for a future update.

    For now you would need to pass the values to GB using this filter:

        function( $fonts ) {
            $fonts[] = [
                'label' => 'My custom fonts',
                'options' => [
                        'label' => 'My Font Label',
                        'value' => 'my_font_family_name',
            return $fonts;
  • No worries, that works perfectly! A setting to pull them in from theme.json would be a great feature. I’ve hacked together a snippet to pull them in automatically (NB there is no error handling or sanitisation included here):

        function ($fonts) {
            // Only run this in the admin/editor, not on the front end
            if (is_admin()) {
                // Get the path to the active theme's theme.json file
                $theme_json_path = get_template_directory() . '/theme.json';
                if (file_exists($theme_json_path)) {
                    // Read the theme.json file
                    $theme_json_content = file_get_contents($theme_json_path);
                    $theme_json = json_decode($theme_json_content, true);
                    // Check if there are font families declared in theme.json
                    if (isset($theme_json['settings']['typography']['fontFamilies'])) {
                        $font_families = $theme_json['settings']['typography']['fontFamilies'];
                        // Create an array to hold the font options
                        $font_options = [];
                        // Loop through the font families and add them to the font options
                        foreach ($font_families as $font_family) {
                            if (isset($font_family['name']) && isset($font_family['slug'])) {
                                $font_options[] = [
                                    'label' => $font_family['name'],
                                    'value' => 'var(--wp--preset--font-family--' . $font_family['slug'] . ')',
                        // Add the fonts to the GenerateBlocks font family list
                        if (!empty($font_options)) {
                            $fonts[] = [
                                'label' => 'Theme Fonts',
                                'options' => $font_options,
            return $fonts;

    Is there a method for removing the ‘system fonts’ options btw?

  • Perhaps this ?

    function remove_system_fonts_from_generateblocks( $font_families ) {
        foreach ( $font_families as $key => $font_category ) {
            if ( $font_category['label'] === __( 'System Fonts', 'generateblocks' ) ) {
                unset( $font_families[$key] );
        return array_values($font_families);
    add_filter( 'generateblocks_typography_font_family_list', 'remove_system_fonts_from_generateblocks' );
  • Thanks, this borks the site but I’ll debug now I know what the filters are!

  • Sorry about that. Did you resolve the issue ?

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