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Adding parameters to all outbound external URLs

  • Wondering if there is a way to do this with Elements or if I’d need a plugin or manual code.

    I’d like to add a UTM parameter to every outbound external URL on my site without having to manually tag each one. The parameter is my domain name.

    So, on my site, a link to becomes

    Is there a way of doing this or any reason I shouldn’t? The reason is for tracking and so my site shows up as a referrer in the analytics reports of those on the directory. I know the site should appear in referrals anyway, but this will allow for more granular tracking.

  • Hi there,

    GP Elements can only Hook content into a template.
    It cannot modify a URL.

    For that you would need a plugin, there are dedicated UTM code plugins and analytics plugins on the WP repo that do that.

    Should you do it ? Its not our area of expertise so unfortunately i cannot advise.

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