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Aligning grid columns when one has no topic

  • I have a page with a video library that will eventually display nine videos in three rows of three, but right now I only have eight videos.

    I have set the videos up in three rows, with a three-column grid block in each row.

    However, because I have only two videos in the third row and the last container in that row is empty, those video embeds are displaying smaller than the ones above.

    Do you know how I can get those videos to align neatly with the two above them, leaving a blank space of equal size at bottom right?

  • Hi there,

    Can you link us to the page in question?

    You can use the private information field.

    Let me know 🙂

  • Yes, I will paste the URL in the private field.

    I have changed the structure slightly since my initial message, but still having the same problem. The page is actually doing what I want when it shrinks below a certain size, but with a wide browser window I start to get the misalignment.

  • The structure seems to be the problem here. A Grid block can have more than one row and I don’t think the group block can be used here.

    Try this structure instead:

    And insert a video in each of the containers.

  • Yes, that worked nicely. Thank you!

  • No problem 🙂

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