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Archive Filter

  • Is it possible to easily filter an archive by various terms and/or post meta? If so, is it better to do it using an archive template or creating a page?

    I have a custom post type food-and-drink that contains eating establishments and I need to be able to filter by cuisine (taxonomy), whether or not it allows pets (custom field), etc.

    Any advice on the best mechanism to do this would be appreciated.

  • Hi there,

    I believe this plugin would be what you are looking for:

    Let me know if this helps 🙂

  • Okay, I installed that plugin and will give it a try. Looks promising. However, I still need to decide between two options for displaying posts:

    — Option 1 – Create an archive that has the filters in it.
    — Option 2 – Create a page that has the filters in it.

    It seems cleanest to do this as an archive, since it is an archive of all the posts in the food-and-drink post type. However, how do you setup the archive template in GenerateBlocks? The template (as I understand it) is only for the individual posts that display inside the archive. I would need to be able to update the template of the archive page itself so I can add the filter widget and style the page to my liking. Is this possible? Thanks.

    — Aaron

  • I don’t understand your requirement exactly but it’s probably best to do with by trial and errors.

    I believe some users elect to go with a static page + GB’s Query Loop block + filter plugin for something like this.

  • Forgetting about the filters, I’m looking to customize the look and feel of the archive page beyond just customizing the individual posts in the loop. For example, I might want to put an image at the top, then a grid with two columns where I drop a short-code in the left column and the archive output of posts in the right column. I would need two elements (one for the individual posts in the loop, which I know how to do; and one for the main page). Is this possible or do I have to create a specific page instead of using native WordPress archives?

  • Based on your description above, I believe a Block Element Loop Template would be what you are looking for:

  • Thanks – That did the trick.

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