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Author name in posts and pages

  • Hi, how do I show the name of the author in posts and pages?

  • Hi there,

    Are you using a block element – page hero for posts? If so, check if the Disable primary post meta option is checked, and if it is, uncheck it.

    For pages, author does not show by default, if you want, you can add a block element – hook or block element – page hero and use a headline block to dynamically pull the author name.

    Let me know if I miss anything!

  • Hi Ying,

    Thank you.

    For posts, there is a wordpress page titled “Blog” that I have selected to be my “Primary Posts Page.” I have a couple containers set up in there, which serve to identify text width, background color, text color. I don’t see a Disable primary post meta option anywhere.

    After thinking about it some more, I think i want to add a short byline at the top and an author bio box at the end.

    Is this how i should do it?

  • Yes, the video shows how to add author box.

    For the posts, how did you add these contents?

    Are any of the content is added via a block element – page hero?

    And for the blog page, you are using block element – content template, you can add 2 more headline blocks to it and set the dynamic content source to author and date.

    Here’s a video which introduce the block element – content template:

  • Hi Ying, thank you!

    For your question “how did you add these contents?”: the image is done with block-hook (generate_after_header) with dynamic text for the title. The icons under the image are are block-hook (also generate_after_header).

  • the image is done with block-hook (generate_after_header) with dynamic text for the title

    Good, now you can change the element type from hook to page hero, then you will see the option of Disable primary post meta under the element type section.

    Check this screenshot for your reference

  • Thank you very much!

  • You are welcome   🙂

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