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  • This legacy library is what I’ve been looking for all along. How do I store them as local patterns?

  • Legacy Library still not working:
    Direct link:
    I paste an entire block and it just shows no results found.

  • sorry, both image links don’t work, maybe upload the images to your site’s media library and share the link with me.

    Did you copy and paste a pattern with query loop? if so, you need to configure the query loop.

    What is the name of the legacy pattern?

  • That’s strange, when I click the links, they work.
    It doesn’t have a name but it’s from Mike Oliver, and it’s the only query loop from him.

  • Sorry, not the only one. It’s about halfway down the page right in the middle

  • You have removed your site links? i don’t see them in the private info field anymore.

    Can you reattach the login details and the page where you insert the pattern that has issue?

  • No, I hadn’t removed them, not sure why they disappeared. Have added a new one.
    The page where I insert the block is under the “Articles of Interest” tab on our website.

  • You didn’t add the site link.. there’s only an email and password.

  • Added! Sorry have been sick this week

  • Sorry that you were sick, hope you are well now 🙂

    I do not see a query loop on the Articles of Interest page.

    All the content on the page is static, am I missing anything?

  • Thank you I am better 🙂
    I’m not sure what you mean. I was saying that I am unable to paste the blocks from the Legacy library onto my site, as I’m trying to update the articles of interest page, because it shows up as no results found. This is the same thing I was doing months ago and it was working. I believe I was using the Mike Oliver block, as mentioned before, since it matches the look of the other ones. I just want to be able to update the page so that it reflects the recent months since June.

  • It’s normal behaviour as you do NOT have any published posts. so of course there’s no result.

    Are you trying to query pages instead of posts?

    If so, you need to change the post type of the query loop to pages.

  • I apologize…I’m confused. I don’t understand what you mean by published posts. If I don’t have any published posts currently, then I never had to take that action previously to have the posts on the articles of interest. Again, in the past, I’ve been able to copy paste the blocks onto my page and then create a separate page and link the url of that page to the block (you can check the previous posts on the articles of interest page to see what I mean). I would like to continue doing it the same way if possible. If not, I need very detailed directions of how to do it a different way.

  • then I never had to take that action previously to have the posts on the articles of interest.

    Are you sure those articles are posts or pages?

    As the screenshot I showed in my previous reply, you have published 0 posts.

    I would like to continue doing it the same way if possible. If not, I need very detailed directions of how to do it a different way.

    Can I see a working section of the articles of interest?

  • As I had mentioned, what’s on the site now (on articles of interest page), I had been able to copy paste a block onto the page and then create a separate page and link the url of that page to the block. So no, I guess this wouldn’t be a published post.
    Did you click to view the articles of interest page? What you see are blocks from generateblock that I pasted and edited to match the website design– very easily I may add. For example, “June’ 2024: How to Bounce Back Financially After Job Loss”, “May’ 2024: How to Prioritize Financial Goals as Life Gets More Complex”, and so on. Please click one of the articles. The page that it goes to is a page that I created and then linked to the previous block that you just clicked. Thats it, thats all.
    I’m not sure what you mean about a working section, I’m not sure what you mean about published posts. This is what I’ve done in the past and I’ve explained it a few times, I’m not trying to be redundant. I’m confused on why I cannot do this same thing, as I am unable to even paste ANY block onto my page. I’ve provided our website and the login, I’m sure you can see everything I can see.
    All I want to know is how to update the articles of interest page since it has not been updated since June, and how to do this without so much difficulty moving forward.

  • I had been able to copy paste a block onto the page and then create a separate page and link the url of that page to the block. So no, I guess this wouldn’t be a published post.

    I checked the articles of interest page, the page is NOT using a query loop block, those are all static content you entered manually.

    And those articles are pages, NOT posts.

    So if you are using a query loop block now, set the post type to pages instead of posts, it will output your pages, you can add the include posts parameter, to search and select specific pages that you want to display in the query loop block.

Viewing 16 posts - 49 through 64 (of 83 total)
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