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Blog hero and post hero have gone a bit wacky

  • Hello! So I’m not sure what went wrong here; I’ve begun using the blog today for the first time, and two weird things happened.

    1. The main blog page itself, for no reason I can detect, took the featured image from the first blog POST, and even though I’ve changed that image on the blog page itself, it stuck.

    2. The posts themselves have the big black space where their featured image should go, but it’s not there.

    I saw a similar issue from a couple of years ago, but couldn’t follow how to fix it because the screenshot link no longer worked. I look forward to to some help. Thanks!


  • Hi there,

    1. The blog hero’s background image set set to that image, is the background image dynamically set or it’s a static image?

    2. I do not see the background image being set on the single post hero.

    Can you provide an admin login for me to check the backend?

    Please edit your first post on this topic, and add the info into the private info field. It will only be seen by the support team.

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