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Blog post meta data looks wierd

  • Hello,

    We have some problems with our website’s single blog post metadata section, everything loads and it doesn’t look good!
    Missing author photo.
    Missing title: Published date
    Missing title: Modified date


    Please guide me on how to fix these issues.
    Thank you

  • Hi there,

    This is what I see:

    And the easiest option is to create a block element – post meta template, so you can define the style/layout you want for the meta section via blocks.

  • Hello and thank you Ying,

    I have created one and you can visit it on the same page.
    Since I did not had Blocks and Elements, I have installed them, and now sometimes when I am saving changes on my created “Element”, my website freezes!
    I think we have a resource or code error in the back end!
    How can I contact the support team to check it with them?

  • You did a good job on creating the post meta template 🙂

    For the element freezes issue, I wonder if it’s because your site’s PHP configuration is insufficient.

    Can you go to tools > site health > server to check if the PHP configurations match the recommended settings below? and did you see any specific error when it freezes?

    Let me know 🙂

    1. PHP max input variables 4000
    2. PHP time limit (max_input_time) 1200
    3. PHP memory limit 512M
    4. Max input time 600
    5. Upload max filesize 300M
    6. PHP post max size 512M

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