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Bulk adding location rules for Content template elements

  • Hi,

    I’m trying to create unique 3 separate Content Template elements for pages/child-pages


    Apart from individually adding each individual region/state/country manually in ‘Add Location rules’ for each of the 3 elements (which will be painful with 200+ pages), is there a better way to do it?


  • Hi there,

    It’s not possible from the UI, but you can use the generate_hook_element_display filter.

    There is an example of usage in this article:

  • Thanks Alvind

    Tried this, but it doesn’t work.

    For #1 under Display Rules – Location … this should be left blank ie ‘choose’?

    #1 Block – Content Template [1574]
    #3 Post ID – 1351
    #2 Hook wp_body_open

    add_filter( 'generate_hook_element_display', function( $display, $element_id ) { 
        global $post; 
        if ( 1574 === $element_id && is_page( 1351 ) ) { 
            $display = true; 
        return $display; 
    }, 10, 2 );
  • Hi there,

    I need a little more info.
    How do each of the 3 content templates relate to their pages ?

    For example in posts, it would be as simple as having Post Categories to set the location.
    How does that compare to this requirement ?

  • These are all pages (rather than posts)

    We have country pages > state > city (state and city as child pages

    Content Template 1 is for country pages
    Content Template 2 for state pages
    Content Template 3 for city pages

  • OK. Tricky one.
    We could build a function that determines if a page is a top level, a child, or a grandparent:

    function get_page_hierarchy_level($page_id = null) {
        if (is_null($page_id)) {
            $page_id = get_the_ID();
        $ancestors = get_post_ancestors($page_id);
        if (empty($ancestors)) {
            return 'top-level';
        if (count($ancestors) == 1) {
            return 'child';
        if (count($ancestors) == 2) {
            return 'grandchild';
        return null;

    Then you could use that function within the generate_element_display hook like so:

    add_filter( 'generate_hook_element_display', function( $display, $element_id ) {
        // get the page hierarchy level
        $level = get_page_hierarchy_level();
        // check if top-level, child or grnadchild
        if ( 
            123 === $element_id && 'top-level' === $level ||
            456 === $element_id && 'child' === $level ||
            789 === $element_id && 'grandchild' === $level         
        ) { 
            $display = true; 
        return $display; 
    }, 10, 2 );

    Here we grab the $level and for each of the three element IDs ( update your element IDs ) we check its level and tell the element to display.

    This however will apply to all pages… so it may need some extra conditions to narrow that down

  • David – i have all the IDs of the pages and was planning to add them into each of the 3 hooks so that they call on the 3 Content Templates.


    if ( 1574 === $element_id && is_page( 1351 ,1352,1353,etc,etc) ) {
    $display = true;

    Would that work?

  • It would. If you don’t mind having a large array of numbers 🙂

  • I don’t mind manually getting all the IDs to put in. Hopefully there’s no significant performance impact due to the large array.

    Unfortunately, couldn’t get it to work when following Alvin’s suggestion.

  • Can you show us the exact code you are using and wrap the code with the code tag?

    Let me know 🙂

  • Hi Ying, this is what I’m using.

    add_filter( 'generate_hook_element_display', function( $display, $element_id ) { 
        global $post; 
        if ( 1574 === $element_id && is_page( 1351 ) ) { 
            $display = true; 
        return $display; 
    }, 10, 2 );

    Tried this, but it doesn’t work.

    For #1 under Display Rules – Location … this should be left blank ie ‘choose’?

    #1 Block – Content Template [1574]
    #3 Post ID – 1351
    #2 Hook wp_body_open

  • Try replacing generate_hook_element_display with generate_element_display.

    For #1 under Display Rules – Location … this should be left blank ie ‘choose’?


    Not sure what you mean by hook: wp_body_open, if it’s a content template block element, then there isn’t a hook option. Let me know if I miss anything!

  • Try replacing generate_hook_element_display with generate_element_display.

    Done. Same result.

    Not sure what you mean by hook: wp_body_open, if it’s a content template block element, then there isn’t a hook option. Let me know if I miss anything!

    There are 2 elements.

    1) a Block/Content-Template [id=1574]
    2) a Hook with the code we’re discussing (where wp_body_open is under Settings/Hook. Tried a few others in the dropdown, but no luck).

    Let me know if I can clarify anything else.

  • Can you remove global $post;?

    And how did you add the code? Via Code snippets plugin or child theme functions.php?

  • Can you remove global $post;?

    Done. Same result.

    And how did you add the code? Via Code snippets plugin or child theme functions.php?

    It’s in the Hook element > edit Hook

  • The snippet is not supposed to be added into the Hook Element; you need to use a Code Snippet plugin for that.

    Then delete the Hook Element you used to add the snippet, as it’s no longer required. The filter to use is generate_element_display.

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