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Button Block Label Not Showing

  • Hello, please help me to resolve the following issues:

    1. How to edit the button block label name. I can do it for other containers, but not the button as there’s no ” Advance section ” under the BLOCK section similar to other containers.
    2. Button block settings do not show eg. padding, margin, spacing etc. like what I’ve seen in other recent YOUTUBE Videos YouTube videos time stamp: 8.03

    PS: I’ve uploaded an image to Postimages for reference. Link:

  • Hi there,

    It looks like you are using the WordPress core button block there. Make sure to use the GenerateBlocks button block to access those settings.

  • happyventures

    Hi, thank you so much for your quick response. You’re correct, I had the WordPress core button blocks selected. What I had to do was to click on the three dots in the upper right corner next to update and then click on preferences. On the preferences pop up page, I turned off the duplicate WordPress core blocks and left the generate press and generate blocks selected. Also, it’s nice to know that there are some other blocks I can select from WordPress should I need them. Thanks again for your help.

  • No problem.

    Anyway, you can distinguish a block that belongs to GenerateBlocks by its distinct blue color on the block icon.

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