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Category Page and Sub-category Page Edits

  • Hi all,

    I’m a little confused as I think my previous freelancer edited my category pages with Elementor.

    I wanted to actually convert the design changes with “Post Category” elements instead.

    For e.g.

    When I look at the page, I can see that there are 3 elements (header, footer and a post category (content template) on that particular category page.

    So, when I go to elements >>> post category, I can’t seem to be able to edit it as what’s within the post category is different from what I see on the layout of the category page.

    If the changes were indeed done in Elementor, how do I transfer the changes into an element? Or do I have to redesign the element from scratch?

  • Hi Mxho,

    As I can see, the previous developer used Elementor to create the template and it is overriding the new design you have created using Block Element – Content Template.

    So first, you need to disable the Elementor template design which comes under Template > Saved Templates, and look for “mamas-recipe” and convert it to a draft if you don’t want to delete it.

  • Hi Fernando,

    thanks for the help. I have disabled all the Elementor templates.

    Now, for my category page e.g

    I tried to assign my right sidebar to all category post archives. But it isn’t showing in the Chinese herb category.

  • Hi there,

    those archive pages are currently set to display the Left Sidebar ( in Customizer > LAyout > Sidebars -> Blog ) you would need to change that to Right Sidebar layout.

  • Ah, got it.

    Also, I think that I might not have understood how post content template work. The changes that I put in wp editor applies to the style of how each blog post is shown within the category archive page.

    However, what if I want to add say this colored area: into my category archive page.

    How do I do that?

  • However, what if I want to add say this colored area: into my category archive page.

    You can use a block element – hook to insert this content, set the block element’s location to category archive, and then choose a hook name from this visual hook guide:

  • Hi Ying, thanks for the answer.

    I have been able to add in a block element – hook (after-header).

    So is there a way in which I can add 2 hook locations (e.g. after-header and before-footer) in 1 block element? This is so that I can create a layout template for say “Chinese herbs” categories and then other layout template.

    Also, what if I want to change the position of the category archive page’s title and description to say at the before-footer location. How do I go about doing that?

  • So is there a way in which I can add 2 hook locations (e.g. after-header and before-footer) in 1 block element?

    No, you can not. you will need 2 block element - hook for different hook names.

    what if I want to change the position of the category archive page’s title and description

    In this case, you need to create a block element – loop template, what’s in the element will replace the entire loop of the archive page, including the title, description and the posts.

    You will need to add a query loop block in order to show the posts.

  • Thank you, this solved my problems on this matter.

  • You are welcome   🙂

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