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change font color

  • I had sometime back added some headings in a different color but because of contrast issues wanted to convert all of them to black. Because I randomly changed them, manually changing them is not an option.

    What is the best practise for that
    I tried chaging the color through customiser – typography color = but it doesnot change the color properly = wherever i checked it didnt change.

    so I added this code in the additional css editor
    /* Apply softer black color to all headings */
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    color: #333333 !important; /* Softer black with priority */
    This seems to work.

    is this the best practise?

  • Hi there,

    yes the CSS method is the best way to go. Just be mindful that you won’t be able to edit individual heading colors ….

  • I have not been able to change the font color this way
    I added this code to the customiser – additional code –

    /* Apply softer black color to all headings */
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    color: #333333 !important; /* Softer black with priority */

    Earlier i was using it alright with just the h3s but now i added all the other ones and now it is no longer working. is the code wrong?

  • The code looks ok.
    Can you try clearing any caches on the site ?

  • I have cleared the cache, and cleared the css cache too
    Still not changed

  • I do not see this CSS in your customizer > additional CSS, how did you add it?

    The highlighted CSS is the last piece of CSS that I can see in the addtional CSS field:

  • Sorry I had removed it for some time

  • Hi there,

    Have you re-applied the CSS?

  • Awesome. So I assume there are no more issues?

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