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Change post link in content template

  • I have a content template with dynamic link in the post header. I want to change the post link if a ACF field is filled out. However, the code below gives me a 503 error.

    add_filter('post_link', 'maybe_file_link_instead_of_permalink', 1, 2);
    function maybe_file_link_instead_of_permalink($permalink, $post){
    	if (function_exists('get_field') && $post instanceof WP_Post) {
    		$file = get_field('fil', $post->ID);
    		if (!empty($file) && isset($file['url'])) {
    			$permalink = esc_url($file['url']);
    	return $permalink;
  • Hi there,

    I just tested the code on my site and it does not return an error.

  • And do you have ACF and the field called “fil” like I do?

  • No, I don’t.

    Give this new code a try, I added a flag to see if that helps.

    add_filter('post_link', 'maybe_file_link_instead_of_permalink', 1, 2);
    function maybe_file_link_instead_of_permalink($permalink, $post) {
        // Ensure we're not modifying an already modified permalink (prevent recursion)
        if (isset($post->filter_applied) && $post->filter_applied) {
            return $permalink;
        $post->filter_applied = true; // Flag to prevent recursion
        if (function_exists('get_field') && $post instanceof WP_Post) {
            $file = get_field('fil', $post->ID);
            if (!empty($file) && isset($file['url'])) {
                $permalink = esc_url($file['url']);
        return $permalink;

    However, the filter is not from the theme, if it’s conflicting with ACF functions, you might need to check with WP’s support.

    or you can use GB’s generateblocks_dynamic_url_output filter instead.

  • The code with the flagging gives the same error. Weird…

    I have changed to the generateblocks_dynamic_url_output and added a template_redirect with someone should find the permalink elsewhere.

    add_filter('generateblocks_dynamic_url_output', 'maybe_file_link_instead_of_permalink', 1, 2);
    function maybe_file_link_instead_of_permalink($url, $attributes){
    	if (!empty($url) && !empty($attributes['className']) && 'link-til-indlaeg-eller-fil' === $attributes['className']){
    		global $post;
    		if (function_exists('get_field') && $post instanceof WP_Post){
    			$file = get_field('fil', $post->ID);
    			if (!empty($file) && isset($file['url'])) {
    				$url = esc_url($file['url']);
    	return $url;
    function redirect_to_acf_file_url() {
    	// Check if it is a singular "Resources" post
    	if (is_singular('post')) {
    		// Get the current post ID
    		$post_id = get_the_ID();
    		// Get the URL from the ACF file field, assuming the field name is 'fil'
    		$file = get_field('fil', $post_id);
    		// Check if the URL is not empty
    		if (!empty($file) && isset($file['url'])) {
    			// Perform the redirect
    			wp_redirect(esc_url($file['url']), 301);
    add_action('template_redirect', 'redirect_to_acf_file_url');
  • Does it work well now?

  • Yep, using generateblocks_dynamic_url_output works well!

  • Glad to hear that 🙂

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