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Comparison of Premium and Free GP Theme

  • I have a client who may be wanting to cancel our support agreement and I want to check if she is using any premium features of the GP Theme or GP Blocks.

    Can I check a feature comparison between free and paid versions?

  • Hi there,

    you can check if the client site is using premium modules at appearance > GeneratePress.

    if disable all premium modules and the site looks the same, then she can disable GP Premium plugin smoothly.

    If not, especially if the site is using any GP elements (appearance > elements), the site will change after disabling GP Premium for sure.

  • Ok, thanks.

  • No Problem 🙂

  • If I disable Appearance > Generate Press > Disable Secondary Nav, it disables the secondary menu. Can you have a secondary menu in the free version of GP?

  • Also, can you have a background image in the header as shown on this website. When I turn off Generate Press > Backgrounds, this is removed. Is there another way to make this happen?

  • I have replied to those questions on your other topic.

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