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Conflicting tabs in blog template

  • Hi there,

    The homepage of this site (see private info) is a standard blog template, with posts containing their entire content.
    The template shows 7 posts per page.

    I have used horizontal tabs in post 1, and vertical tabs in post 7.
    The tabs settings of post 1 change the tabs in post 7 to horizontal.
    When I enter post 7 the layout is vertical, as intended.

    The template appears to be influenced by one or more factors that I cannot find.
    Thanks for any help!

  • Hi there,

    That happens because the Tab blocks share the same block ID, which occurs when you copy and paste the block instead of duplicating it.

    To fix this, edit either post 1 or post 7, duplicate the tab block, and delete the original one. This should resolve the issue.

  • Good to know!
    Thanks, Alvin.

  • You’re welcome!

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