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Custom block, launch the search engine

  • Hello, until now through a plugin it gave me the possibility of giving attributes to blocks, I have seen this section that was not contemplated in generateblock-pro. but I don’t know how to implement it, what am I doing wrong? I don’t want to install plugins and I don’t know if it is possible to show the search button in a specific block as is this case. THANKS IN ADVANCE

    data-gpmodal-trigger gp-search

  • Hi there,

    The attribute is correct, is the nav search modal enabled at customizer > layout > primary navigation?

    Let me know 🙂

  • Perfect, it was disabled, now it works. How can I hide the default position of the main menu? I have it configured in a higher block.

  • Hi there,

    You can use this CSS to hide it:

    .main-navigation .menu-bar-item > a {
      display: none;
  • Ok, perfect, Thank Alvin

  • You’re welcome!

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