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Customize search-result-page

  • I would like to customize the search-result-page. I didn’t find any answers in the forum so far.

    I would like to customize the upper section of the page, adjusting margins, typography and the generated text that says something like “your search results for:”.

    I made a page-hero-element. I can now adjust margins, but I don’t know how to change and design the automatically generated search-result text. Is it possible to make a “H”-block in which I could put a custom text and where I could add the “search-text”-variable?

    In that case I would also need the standard-text to vanish. I tried “disable title” but this has no effect.

    Thank you!

  • 1. Create a Block Element – Page Hero. Display it to the Search results page.

    2. Add a Headline Block.

    3. Give this block a class of hero-title.
    Adding Custom Classes:

    4. Enable the dynamic options in the toolbar to get the title.

    5 Add this snippet:

    add_filter( 'generate_dynamic_element_text', function( $text, $block ) {
        if ( is_search() && ! empty( $block['attrs']['className'] ) && 'hero-title' === $block['attrs']['className'] ) {
            $text = 'Your search results for:' . get_search_query();
        return $text;
    }, 10, 2 );

    Adding PHP:

  • This works fine, thank you!

    Now I would need to remove the old page-title. I selected “disable title” but this has no effect.

  • Hi there,

    it requires some PHP:

    add_action('wp', function() {
    	remove_action( 'generate_before_loop', 'generate_do_search_results_title' );
  • Thanks a lot David, this works fine.

    Now, what would I need to change in the two php-snipplets to customize the “no results”-page the same way?

  • The NO Results page, you can just use a Block Element -> Loop Template and this will override the entire page.

  • Perfect, thank you!

    So what about the 404-page? Any chance to customize that as well? (remove standard texts/add editable block)?

  • Yeah, for that you can use a Content Template and it will replace the entire thing.

  • Thank you so much!

  • You’re welcome

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