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Customizer Problem after WP update to 6.7

  • Hey there,

    I have been using GeneratePress and Blocks Pro for years and I never had any problems but today after updating the WP Version to 6.7 I can not click/use the GeneratePress customizer settings.
    Not just on one website and WP installation. a whole bunch of my customer websites have that problem now!

    Kind regards 🙂

  • Hi there,

    Can you disable all plugins except GP Premium, GB and GB Pro to test?

    If you are using a child theme, switch back to the parent theme.

    If it doesn’t work, please keep all plugins deactivated and provide an admin login for us to check the issue at the backend.

    Let me know 🙂

  • I also had a customizer issue after updating to v6.7
    This behavior was not happening in v6.6

    The issue appears to be linked to the MicroThemer plugin.

    When using GeneratePress theme v3.5.1:
    If MicroThemer is activate, the customizer items are spaced very far apart.
    If MicroThemer is deactivated the customizer appears normal.

    This customizer issue does not happen if I switch to Astra.

    Beaver Builder Plugin (Standard Version) Version by The Beaver Builder Team
    Beaver Themer Version by The Beaver Builder Team
    GenerateBlocks Version 1.9.1 by Tom Usborne
    GP Premium Version 2.5.0 by Tom Usborne
    MainWP Child Version 5.2 by MainWP
    Microthemer Version by Themeover
    Nginx Helper Version 2.2.5 by rtCamp
    Performance Lab Version 3.5.1 by WordPress Performance Team
    Query Monitor Version 3.16.4 by John Blackbourn
    Redis Object Cache Version 2.5.4 by Till Krüss
    Server IP & Memory Usage Display Version 2.1.0 by Apasionados, Apasionados del Marketing
    WP Reset PRO Version 6.16 by WebFactory Ltd

  • Thank you for the feedback. We’re still collecting more information regarding this issue from other reported cases to investigate further and see if WP 6.7 is perhaps responsible for it.

  • I was not happy with the solution offered, saying that I should switch to the parent theme and/or turn off plugins because I have this issue on several customer websites using a parent or sometimes a child theme.
    I think I will wait until you investigated the other problems with WP 6.7.

  • Switching to parent them and disabling plugins is not the solution, it’s an essential debug step to determine what causes the issue.

    We haven’t seen other users reporting the issue, and we don’t have enough info to know what the issue is. Would you be willing to create a staging site for us to see the issue first and do some testing on it?

  • @Alvind, here is my contribution for your collection:
    After updating to WP 6.7, the button.accordion triggers within the ul.customize-pane-parent are displayed incorrectly in the customizer of my customer projects based on GP. The CSS directive .accordion-section-title button.accordion-trigger {height = 100%} in the wp-admin/load-styles.php file has a strange effect.
    This CSS rule is identical in other customer projects, but does not lead to “area-filling buttons” as in the customizers of the GP projects.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,

  • Hi there,

    of the few reported instances of this issue, several users have found the issue was caused by another plugin. So temporarily disabling other plugins is advisable to try debug the issue.

    I would also recommend clearing any caches on the sites after a WP update , both plug-in and server side then clear browser caches.

    If the issue persists then we would need to have access to the site to help you debug. If any contributors to this topic feel the need for this, then please raise a new topic where you can share login information privately.

  • Thanks David for the tip! I was probably hasty, sorry. In my affected GP customer projects, I was actually able to identify two different plugins as the culprits. Additionally, error messages like “_load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly…” in my development environments seem to lead to the strange effect in the Customizer – even in non-GP projects. WooCommerce recommends temporarily deactivating these messages (see

  • The text domain waring is just a 6.7 notice.
    GP will patch that in the next theme update. As I suppose will most other plugins / themes that have been exposed to this recent WP change.

    Glad to hear you got it resolved

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