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Data Collection Above the Fold

  • Hi.

    I’m using a generate press theme (Scribe) but need to move beyond its blog post homepage.

    Could you explain how I would borrow the hero elements from other themes (e.g. Bold & Coach) and insert a newsletter subscription form above the fold using Gravity Forms?

    Thank you.


  • Hi Stuart,

    On the Scribe page, this part is a page hero inserted to the blog page via a block element – hook:

    You can edit this block element (Home Page Intro), modify the style and insert your form there.

    If you want to use the page hero from Bold or Coach, I would recommend import them to a blank site, then you can copy the block in the page hero and paste it to your Scribe site’s block element.

  • Thank you Ying.

    I think I’d like to do the second of those – are you able to give me a step-by-step guide as to how to do it? I wouldn’t know where to start.

    Thank you.

  • The 2nd option requires a blank staging site, do you have one available?

    A. If so, you can go to the site-library and import the site.

    Both Coach and Bold templates’ heroes are built directly in the page editor.

    1. select the container which contains the hero section.
    2. click the 3 dots icon in the floating toolbar.
    3. click copy block and go to your other site.
    4. edit the Home page Intro element, remove the existing container, add a paragraph block, and then paste the copied container there.

    B. If you do NOT have a blank site, you can copy the code from below links, and switch your element editor to code editor (click the 3 dots icon on the top right corner of the screen, click code editor), paste the code, then click exit code editor.

    Bold hero code:
    Coach hero code:

  • Ying, you’re a genius! And a credit to Generate Press.

    Thanks for all your help, it’s made my day.

  • Awesome 🙂 Glad to hear that!

    Let me know if I can close this topic.

  • Sorry Ying, one more thing – how would I remove the picture on mobile?

  • You can add hide-on-mobile class to the block that you want to hide on mobile.

    Adding CSS class to blocks:

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