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Data privacy considerations when using GenerateCloud?

  • Hi, I’ve been using GeneratePress for a while and now would like to try out GenerateCloud. However I’m wondering if there are any implications when using GenerateCloud potentially concerning data privacy regulations such as the GDPR in the EU?

    I understand that you maybe can’t give a definite answer as to everything that would have to be considered. Instead I was hoping for tips what might be relevant in this context based on how GenerateCloud works at a basic level (e.g. are any calls to external assets made on the frontend or such)?

    Thanks for your help and keep up the great work!

  • Hi there,

    Essentially, GenerateCloud works as a way to share your custom patterns with other sites. Other sites can import the patterns, which are hosted on the source site — referred to as the “cloud.” In this context, the “cloud” is simply your own site serving as the host for the shared patterns. You can control access to these patterns via a key, ensuring that only sites with this key can connect to the source site and access the patterns.

    That being said, I don’t see any privacy concerns in this situation when using GenerateCloud. I hope that clarifies things a bit!

  • Hi Alvind,

    that definitely helps, thank you!

  • No problem, glad to hear that 🙂

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