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Desing changes when scroll

  • Could you please guide me with a problem I have on my site. I made some changes to the menu and font size. When I load my page, the changes are noticeable but when I scroll, the design changes. For example: the menu widens and the font size increases. It is as if everything is widening.

  • Hi there,

    I’ve checked a few posts but haven’t found the issue. Could you point out exactly where this issue occurs?

  • Es solo dar clic en un post, no mover el mouse ni hacer scroll. Se podrá notar un mínimo cambio en el css, luego mueve el mouse y verás que cambia mínimamente. Si mueves el cursor al momento de hacer clic, no lo notarás. La verdad no se cómo explicarlo, pero yo lo noto en cualquier navegador.

  • Which browser did you use? I use Chrome, and I didn’t see this issue.

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