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Displaying posts from specific category with Query Loop pattern

  • Hello!

    I’m trying to create a page where all of my recent posts are displayed ONLY for one specific category, but don’t know if it’s possible.

    I know I can open up the Pattern Library and then add in a Query Loop, which will display my recent posts. But is there any way to add a filter to this so that it only displays posts of one category?

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    In your Query Loop block, try the following:

    1. Click the “Add Parameter” button
    2. In the select, choose “Taxonomies”
    3. Now in the Taxonimies select, choose “Categories”
    4. In the “Select Terms” select, choose the category to wish to query posts from

    Your Query Loop should now only query posts from the selected category.

    Let us know 🙂

  • Awesome. Thank you!

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