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Editing Blog Template

  • dillonloomis13

    Hi there,

    I know this is a very basic question, but how do I edit the blog template? I have a blog page created but right now a post shows the post title over my menu, and also contains some features I don’t want (like leave a comment, showing the folder, and then also like this).

    I was watching a YouTube Video, but do I need to create an element and apply it to my blog page? If so, would it automatically update the title?

    And then also how do I update the blog path to be /blog/blog-title? Right now it’s just …com/hello-world.

    Thank for you any insights or documents you can provide!

  • Hi there,

    I have a blog page created but right now a post shows the post title over my menu

    That is likely because you have a merged header element applied to the blog page:

    and also contains some features I don’t want (like leave a comment, showing the folder, and then also like this).

    These can be removed with the customizer settings after the Blog module is activated:

    I was watching a YouTube Video, but do I need to create an element and apply it to my blog page? If so, would it automatically update the title?

    If the Blog options mentioned above do not achieve the desire result then you would need to create a Block Element Content Template:

    The videos should demonstrate how to set up dynamic data to display post titles etc and here is some more information:

    There are also pre-built templates to help you start as well:

    And then also how do I update the blog path to be /blog/blog-title? Right now it’s just …com/hello-world.

    The URL is not something the theme can control – it’s all handled by WP permalink settings:

    Lastly, I think it would be best to handle one question at a time if you need further help.

    Let me know 🙂

  • dillonloomis13

    Hey Leo,

    Sorry for all of the questions. I guess a better question to get me started is how do I start a blog page with a query loop? Ideally I would like a page with a hero, a blog filter option with different tags, and then a query loop? I created a blog page, set it as my “Default posts page” but once I did that I get the information bubble next to the “Blog” page saying “The content of your latest posts page is automatically generated and cannot be edited.”

    Thank you.

  • If you want to use Query Loop to build the blog page then you would need a Loop template instead of Content Template:

    The loop template basically allows you to build the blog page like a normal static page within the Elements.

    Please note that there is not filter feature in GP or GB so you would need to find a third party plugin that works with the Query Loop block.

  • dillonloomis13

    Got it. Okay so go to Appearance -> Element -> New Element -> Block -> Change the Element Type to “Loop template”. From there would I build out how I want the blog page to look, and then would I add my Blog page as the “Location”. Just trying to give my self steps on what to do, I’m still getting familiar with GP or GB.

    For reference:

    Do you have any recommendations on a third-party filter plugin that works with the Query Loop block?

    Or how do other GeneratePress users filter blogs? Thank you again, you’re very quick to respond!

  • From there would I build out how I want the blog page to look, and then would I add my Blog page as the “Location”.

    Yes, build it like a static page, and the location blog is correct.

    I know that filter everything Pro works with query loop block, but not sure if the free version works.

  • dillonloomis13

    Thank you Ying. I was able to start the blog page, and I copied over the footer that is used on my home page, but on my /blog page it seems to be contained and I need to set it to full width. How do I do that?

    Image for reference:

    Second question, is how do I edit the content or post template? Like what the post page will look like? Will I need to create another custom element, but select “Content Template” under the element type? Thank you again for your help.

  • The loop template is for the content area, it should not include footer or header. The footer needs to be in another block element – site footer.

    So create a new block element, set element type to site footer, then paste the footer there, set location to entire site.

    Second question, is how do I edit the content or post template?

    You are using query loop block in the loop template element, right? Then you edit the post template block of the query loop to how you want each post to show.

  • dillonloomis13

    I think I am getting confused…

    So I have my blog page ( where it will hold all of the blog posts. Right now this is built as a new block element, as a loop template and has the Query Loop 24. On this page, why is my copy being shown above the menu?

    And just for reference I published this example blog ( and same thing it overlaps the menu. So you’re saying to edit the post template, I need to edit the post template block? If you notice on this page, I want to edit what is being displayed like all of these sections:

    Share this:
    Customize buttons

    Like this:
    Hello World!
    Leave a Reply

    How can I do that? I hope that makes better sense.

  • On this page, why is my copy being shown above the menu?

    Because you are using the header element to merge the header with content, so exclude blog from the header element and any other pages (including posts > all posts) that you do NOT need the merge function.

  • dillonloomis13

    Got it, I know you and I are going back and forth in the other thread. So I have a element (that I did not create) titled “Home Page Header Empty for GB” that I excluded the blog page and also (including posts > all posts) and changed the “Merge with Content” to “No Merge”. But the thing is, in the other thread you told me to put this element in Draft so it is not published as of right now.

    I hope all of that makes sense. Do you schedule calls? That would almost be easier instead of taking screenshots and going back and forth.

  • I said exclude the locations where you do NOT want the header merged with content, if that’s for your entire site, then set the header element to draft.

    But you have the top bar you want to add, the header element will mess that up, so if you want to add the top bar to your entire site, then set the header element to draft.

    Hope that’s clear!

  • dillonloomis13

    I think I understand… Just to reiterate if I want the banner like we’re working on in the other thread to be site wide, then set this header element (Home Page Header Empty for GB) to draft?

  • dillonloomis13

    And then I am still confused on how to build my BLOG page, and then building what the BLOG Post page will look like. For reference, I am used to using “templates” where it will have a “Post Title”, “Post Date”, etc. Something like this:

    How do I do that? Just to recap, I have a new block element that is using the Loop Template and has the Query Loop, which is good, but it’s all contained with a small container. How do IU make that big similar to my home page background?

  • Just to reiterate if I want the banner like we’re working on in the other thread to be site wide, then set this header element (Home Page Header Empty for GB) to draft?


    How do IU make that big similar to my home page background?

    1. Remove right sidebar.

    Go to customizer > layout > sidebars, set Blog Sidebar Layout to content/no sidebar

    2. Set the content container to full width via a layout element, location would be blog.

    For reference, I am used to using “templates” where it will have a “Post Title”, “Post Date”, etc. Something like this:

    The template was for single post? You can create a block element – page hero and assign it to posts > all posts. The page hero has built-in templates you can have a quick start.

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