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Editing Blog Template

  • dillonloomis13

    Okay, I got the blog page how I want it to look.

    Now, I think we’re confusing each other I need assistance with customizing the blog post template page. Specifically, I am referring to the individual blog post pages that display the full content of each blog post (e.g.,

    Currently, my blog post template includes unwanted elements such as:

    “Share this: Twitter Facebook”
    “Customize buttons”
    “Like this:”
    “Categories Uncategorized”
    “Leave a Reply”

    So how do I remove that and where can I edit my individual blog post page?

  • dillonloomis13

    And then again, the content is merging with the header:

  • And then again, the content is merging with the header:

    I told you to set posts > all posts to the exclude list of the header element, or remove the header element to avoid the merging issue.

    Currently, my blog post template includes unwanted elements such as:

    “Share this: Twitter Facebook”
    “Customize buttons”
    “Like this:”
    “Categories Uncategorized”
    “Leave a Reply”

    These are not from GP except Categories Uncategorized, please try to disable all plugins except GP Premium and GenerateBlocks to see which plugin is adding the content.

    To remove Categories Uncategorized”, go to customzier > layout > blog > content > Single, uncheck the Display post categories box.

  • dillonloomis13

    I know, but when I set posts > all posts to the exclude list of the header element, it messes up how my header / menu looks but it does stop the merging. ( I am beginning to get frustrated because it shouldn’t take this long to set up a blog post template page.

    I do honestly believe we could solve this if we could jump on a quick call? Is this possible or are you able to just go in and build a basic blog template page? Or is there a basic step by step super easy Youtube video or guide I can follow?

  • It’s really not complicated, in your screenshot the merge has gone, what is the issue now?

    We don’t offer call service, unfortunately. Please try to describe your issue here. Thanks!

  • dillonloomis13

    I must just be having a lot of issues then… Let me restart.

    How can I build my blog template page? I would like all of my blgos to have the same layout, with the title centered, a byline, date, table of contents, etc. So how do I go about that? Do I need to create a new block element, and set it as “Content Template”?

  • Check Leo’s answer here:

    Check this video for how to create a block element – loop template:

    For table of content, you need a plugin for that, if the plugin offers a shortcode, then add the shortcode to the loop template as well.

  • dillonloomis13

    Okay. That tells me how to set up a normal blog page, but HOW do I set up my actual blog template page? like what this page will look like for all posts?

  • I would like all of my blgos to have the same layout, with the title centered, a byline, date, table of contents, etc.

    The link is a single post, so were you referring to a single post not blog?

    OK, if this is the case, you can create a block element – page hero, the link provides demo videos, and you can also add breadcrumbs into the page hero element.

    When setting element type to page hero, you will see several pre-built page hero templates, select one for a quick start, or you can start from scratch to build your own.

  • dillonloomis13

    Thank you. So create a block element page hero, and then set the Location to “Post -> All Posts”?

    Will it automatically pull the post title and publish date by line? For creating a Table of Contents, would I need to add that to the post itself or create a new element?

  • and then set the Location to “Post -> All Posts”?


    Will it automatically pull the post title and publish date by line?

    There’re some pre-built templates in the block element – page hero, I suppose every template includes the title and date.

    For creating a Table of Contents, would I need to add that to the post itself or create a new element?

    An element. It will save you a lot of manual time.

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