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Elements Including Page Hero Missing & Existing Page Heros Not Working

  • Hey Guys, Keep up the great work!

    Having some issues today with page heroes. I went to make small padding adjustments to the page hero applied to my blog posts (display rule: posts -> all) and after saving the element, it stop showing it at all.

    I’ve cleared cache and regenerated CSS multiple times.

    On top of the above, I can no longer choose a Page Hero within the element creation workflow. I’m thinking there are usually quite a few more than 4 options but now I only see 4.

    See screenshot:

    Any help on how to get page heroes and all element types back and get this one to show would be great.

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    create a new Block element and in the element settings sidebar choose the Page Hero:

  • As a method to create a new page hero, that works fine. Thank you.

    But I have the new one set to display on Post–>All Posts and it is not being displayed either.

  • I logged in and I see this:

    What happens if you login using the admin login. you provided us ?

  • You found my test. I have the original styled one that initiated the ticket off but will style either if either starts working.

    It should be showing here (and all posts) instead of the baked-in WP post heading controlled in the configurator, correct?

    Neither my test nor my new one are showing.

  • The new test element is loading, as it can be seen the Admin Bar > Elemetns menu on that URL:

    You just can’t see it because the container will have collapsed in height as theres nothing with any size inside it.
    Put some text inside the container and it will show up

  • Don’t know what to make of this. I was able to get my original container from what was historically my page hero element to show up by pasting the outside container into that test one and turning the header merge back on. Now it’s back to showing how I want it.

    Don’t know why the original page hero element that was created a year ago stopped working when I went to edit some padding this morning but I guess this ticket can be closed.

    Thanks for the assist!

  • Unfortunately I cannot explain why the last hero element “broke”.
    But I am glad to hear the new one is working.

  • I’m having problems with publishing several of the elements pages. I initially wanted to change the ‘Post width’; however, I cannot save any changes. The boxes overlap one another and I cannot use the ‘Publish’ button. How do I fix this?

  • Hi there,

    can your raise a new topic, where you will have access to the Private Information field in the forum. You can then share a site login for us to take a closer look.

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