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featured content not working properly

  • 2 things we’d like help with. . .

    #1 In the featured articles on the HOME page, the first one, the description is messed up. It’s pulling the social text rather than the post content. Can you please tell us how to fix that?

    #2 We are unable to select the 3 posts that. appear in the FEATURED ARTICLE Section. It seems like we. should be able to add the “featured” tag to choose. what posts appear there, but instead it’s just pulling the 3 most recent published posts. Can you please tell us how to fix it?

    login and website details attached.
    Thank you.

  • Hi Sarah,

    I’m not seeing an obvious cause for the #1 issue, we need to do some more debugging steps.

    Can you disable all your plugins (including the social share plugin)?

    Then activate the social share plugin, let me know if this works.

    For #2 issue, you should be able to do so, here’s a screenshot of how to achieve this:

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