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Featured Posts

  • Hi Guys,

    Can you tell me how to create those in the Private information?

    I assume they are using your Read Theme.

  • Hi there,

    you can use the Query Loop Block to display a list of posts.
    And using the GP Block Element, that Query Loop Block can be hooked into the theme templates. So it shows on all posts for example.

    Couple of questions:

    1. How would you determine what is “featured” ?
    Are these latest posts for example

    2. Can I see your site?

  • No, actually I am starting from scratch, should I install the Read template and go from there?

  • Hi there,

    ..should I install the Read template and go from there?

    That is actually a best approach instead of starting from scratch 🙂

  • Can you tell me how to create those in the Private information?

  • Featured Posts on Top Side with the Images.

    Do you want it on a single post? If so, you can create a block element – hook, add a GB query(v2.0)/query loop(v1.7) block in it, set the hook name to after_header, set the element location to post > all posts.

    Featured Posts on the Right Side of the site?

    You can create a block element – right sidebar, and GB query(v2.0)/query loop(v1.7) blocks in it, set the element location to where you want it to display.

    Recent Updates on the Bottom Side of the Page

    You can create a block element – hook, and a GB query(v2.0)/query loop(v1.7) block in it,set the hook name to after_entry_content, set the element location to post > all posts.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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