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Fonts not loading after migration

  • Hi, I’m trying to use the new font library feature, it’s very handy. It was working correctly on the staging site, but when I migrated to the live site, the fonts are not loading, I cleared the cache and tried disabling the cache. I have tried deleting the installed fonts and reinstalling them but still not working. I found the page has the <link> tag to load the fonts css in the uploads folder, but it’s just not loading on the page. Any idea why this is happening?

  • I think I know what happened there, do you know how I can fix it?

  • I found a temporary solution
    wp_dequeue_style( ‘generatepress-fonts’ );
    wp_enqueue_style(‘fonts-css’, home_url().’/wp-content/uploads/generatepress/fonts/fonts.css’);

    Is there a way to regenerate the font css link?

  • Hi there,

    We are aware of this issue, and we are working on a patch. It is due to the @font-face CSS not updating the font file URL after migration.

    For now, the easiest way to fix this issue is, after the site is migrated to a new domain, to go to the Font Library settings and disable and then re-enable the font. This should regenerate the font CSS and fix the font file URL altogether.

  • Just wanted to add an upvote for sorts for fixing this issue. It’s getting quite annoying!

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