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Formatting breaks after viewing succeeding pages

  • Hi,

    I have an issue with my site’s formatting.
    The custom CSS doesn’t stick.
    I don’t know when it started happening, but I haven’t made any changes to my site (structure or plugin-wise).
    If you visit my site, the formatting works fine for the first time only.
    For example, the word “Advertisements” should be centered and small.
    But after visiting another page or several pages, that formatting breaks and reverts to normal-sized letters.

    Also, if you visit any of the pages (by opening one from the main menu: Articles, PC Components, Reviews… etc.)
    the spacing on the sidebar breaks, too, including the one at the footer area.
    I am using WP Show Posts for the sidebar and footer sections.
    Is the WP Show Post discontinued? If yes, what’s the replacement?
    Could this be the culprit?

    Thank you,

  • Hi there,

    do you have a screenshot of the issue ? as i am not seeing any differences.

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