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GB Grid Block html looks okay but Safari displays large text

  • The issue concerns this page:

    In the first Grid, the “Functional…” block looks fine in Firefox, Chrome, and MS Edge, but Safari on Mac and iPad displays larger Heading text. I can’t identify any glitches in the html.

    Would be grateful for your thoughts.


  • Hi there,

    this is what i see on my MacOS Safari:

    What am i missing ?

  • Thanks, David. I fixed it. Evidently there was some leftover code that only Safari was catching. ? At any rate, I fixed it by expanding the outline view and deleting the offending H blocks, then highlighting the H blocks one at a time in the column to the left and using the three-dot menu to choose Copy, then paste them into the last column and re-enter the relevant text. Which I guess proves that GB does work for non-coders. 🙂

  • Thats great to hear 🙂

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