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GenerateBlocks – Correct Button styling and creation workflow?

  • Hi,

    Am using GP Premium and GenerateBlocks Pro 1.7.1.

    I am using Global Styles to configure my primary button: colours, hover etc. This is working, though the workflow for adding new buttons to a page seems bumpy. Here’s what I am doing:

    – Adding a new button to the page
    – Adding the .gbp-button–primary as a global style
    – Removing the default colours (background and hover) from the button

    These default colours are blue, and I need to remove them as they override the styles that I customised on the global button style.

    This is after I eventually worked out that the theme-level styles in the customise menu don’t apply to these buttons either.

    All in all, it feels pretty confusing & complicated so I’m wondering if my workflow is incorrect?

    Many thanks,


  • Hi there,

    if you’re using GenerateBlocks Pro, then my preferred method is to work with patterns wherever possible:

    1. create your button
    1.1 add the global style and remove the local styles.
    2. save the button as a Local Pattern ( NOT Synced )

    Then add the pattern to the page instead of buttons.

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