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GP require to update update staging url after the deploy?

  • I used Elementor constructer in my website and I changed to Generate Press.
    I did the changes in a staging web with GP but after deploying it I didn’t do the changes of urls from Elementor to Generate Press.
    I want to take out these leftovers from my web and I don’t know how.
    Today I followed the procedure to update this information from Elementor to Generate Press and they informed to me about those urls that are not correct.
    The hosting move this url is the second time and they continued appear then I want to prevent this happaned again because is not secure for my webstore.
    Could you please give me guidance on how I can update this information here in Generate press.

  • Hi there,

    I did the changes in a staging web with GP but after deploying it I didn’t do the changes of urls from Elementor to Generate Press.

    GP doesn’t interfere with permalinks, the URLs are managed by WordPress.

    But in your case, it should be managed by your hosting service provider.

    I just checked your live site, it seems working fine.

    Let me know if you need further assistance on this 🙂

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