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H6 rendering different font to customizer

  • Hi, sure.

  • I just did some testing. I set the H6 font to Roboto, created a new test page, added text with an H6 tag, viewed it on the frontend, and the font loaded correctly.

    However, I haven’t tested this on existing pages to avoid any disruptions. Does this issue only occur on existing pages?

  • I’m confused.

    Could pls clarify if I.m using google fonts or local fonts.

    I thought I had changed to local fonts to help lcp.

    Roboto appears to be loading ok.

  • Hi there,

    several google fonts are being loaded by the GenerateBlocks plugin, this is because some blocks added to the site have had that font chosen in the blocks Typgoraphy settings.

    You can tell GB to NOT load the Google font in Dashboard > GenerateBlocks -> Settings and check: Disable Google Fonts

    However, i DO NOT see any local fonts loading on your site, or any code that would load them on your site.
    So you would need to set up the Local fonts first.

  • Right, I have now disabled G fonts twice, in GP and GB – I;m only really doing this to try and pass this god awful lcp test.
    Site looks teh same tbh
    lcp tet still faileing

  • I can confirm that neither GeneratePress or GenerateBlocks is making any font request from Google Fonts.

    BUT…. there are stills several fonts being loaded from the Google server.
    Looking at their sources, it looks like the Smart Slider plugin and the Mail Poet Form are making the requests.

  • Thanks David, will get to it.

  • You’re welcome

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