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header 404

  • Hello,

    I use an element for the 404 page. Works ok.

    I also use a diferent color on the header of some pages with this easy code .header-wrap .site-header, .header-wrap .site-header, .header-wrap .site-header, .header-wrap .site-header, .header-wrap .site-header {
    background-color: #142235;

    What I need, is to use this header on the 404 page. I write de id (166) but it doesn´t work.

    Would it be possible?


  • Hi there,

    you can use this selector for the 404 page.

    body.error404 .header-wrap .site-header 
  • thanks David. As always, great tip 😉

  • Glad to be of help

  • Hello again,

    now, I want to make the same (use this header background) on the whole blog and it´s entries.

    Is it possible?

    Thanks again

  • I did it. thanks

  • Glad to hear that!

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