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Header menu loading duplicates

  • I was attempting to resolve some problems with the mobile header on the following website, but unfortunately, I may have made the header even worse. My goal was to position the drop-down menu on the mobile site to the right, but I couldn’t achieve that successfully. Now, whenever the website loads, two sets of menus are appearing on top of each other. However, this issue disappears after scrolling.

    To troubleshoot the problem, I have already tried purging the cache, but the issue persists. I haven’t added any new plugins, so I don’t think plugins are causing the problem. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    can you termporarily disable perf matters so i can see what is going on ?

    And do you need the Mobile header for that design ?

  • Hi David, I resolved the issue by disabling both perfmatters and the Mobile header, thank you. However, when I re-enabled perfmatters, the problem did not reappear. Do you think it’s safe for me to continue using perfmatters?

    Also, I have another question related to this topic. Should I ask it here, or would it be better to open a new thread since the original issue has been resolved? It seems that as the website transitions from desktop to mobile mode, the font for the website title increases in size. On mobile, the font becomes too large and takes up too much space, pushing the menu icon to the third row. What is the recommended solution to fix this issue?

  • It sounds like Perfmatters was optimizing the CSS, and it just needed to regenerate that. So its fine to keep using 🙂

    The second issue, go to Customizer > Typograpghy -> Typography Manager and edit the Site title element, switch to Mobile Preview and reduce its fonts size.

  • Following your instructions, I successfully fixed the mobile header on the site. However, I’m currently facing an issue with adjusting the menu font (Photo Gallery, Projects, Stock, Contact) specifically for the mobile site. I’ve been searching for a ‘Primary Mobile Menu Items,’ but I can only find a ‘Primary Menu Items.’ The ‘Primary Mobile Toggle’ only seems to adjust the icon size on the mobile site. I’m sure the solution is probably obvious, but I’m unable to locate it. Thank you!

  • Change to the Mobile preview and Edit the Primary Menu Items

  • I knew it was that obvious! Thank you so much, David. I really appreciate your patience and help.

  • Glad to be of help!

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