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Hide content-area?

  • Is there a native way in GP to hide the “content-area” block if the block is empty or hide it for specific pages?

  • Hi there,

    In what kind of circumstances do you want to hide the content area?

    And by “content area” do you mean the default content area or a block?

    Can you link me to an example?

    Let me know 🙂

  • I have content padding with a border and some pages are built only with a few element hooks. In some cases there’s a few pages where the content area is not used so just the padding and border is visible.

    Is there a way to add the content-area as custom element that can be disabled and added to the list seen below?

  • Don’t think there’s an easy way as the content area is the core of each page, it doesn’t make sense to disable the content area.

    Not sure why you are using elements instead of building it directly in the content area?

    You can set the content area to full width to have the same result you are having now.

    Let me know what you think 🙂

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