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Hook Elements are not showing

  • Hi

    when I open / try to edit a hook element, it only shows the element title (top) and publishing panel (right), but the area to edit the code is not visible any more, here’s a screenshot.

    No other plugins are activated. You find an admin-auto-login-link in private notes, maybe you can take a look what’s going on there? Feel free to do whatever is required to help troubleshooting the issue 🙏 it’s just a testing site 😉

    Kind regards

  • Ehi there,
    I was opening a new ticket but then I saw this one. Me too having the same problem, thanks!

  • Hi there,

    its a known issue that affects some users after updating to latest version of WP.
    It’s related to some “bad” data that gets written into the user profile , which results in certain admin CSS not loading.
    We will be adding some a patch in the next GPP update to remedy this.

    In the meantime you have a couple of options, either:

    a) delete your existing admin user and register a new one.


    b) use the following PHP snippet to fix it:

    add_action( 'admin_head', function() {
    	echo '<style>#generate_premium_elements.closed .inside {display: block;}</style>';
    } );
  • Thanks, the snippet solved it 🙂

  • Glad to hear that!

  • The snippet solved the issue for me as well! The issue rose out of nowhere, it was not related to any new plugin install or core update.

  • Glad to hear that !

  • Want also to say thank you, solved the problem for me aswell

  • Awesome 🙂

  • Same issue for me-

    Sascha, Benson, leveque- would you happen to be running Learndash? I’m wondering if that’s where the ‘bad’ data is coming from, as it writes to the user data.

    Edit- neglected to mention that the snippet worked great. Thanks David, Ying!
    Also- I just noticed that the issue was the classic editor plugin, possibly? I have that, so that definitely checks out with others who have commented here…


  • It works also for me, thank you David 😉

  • @michaelbgood
    Nope, not running Learndash

  • Hurray, worked for me too! Thanks

  • Hello

    I have the same problem: I don’t can edit my element “wp_head”.
    And it’s not possible for me, to create a new element with the type “hook, layout and header”.
    But I can create and edit elements from type “block”

    I copied the code form obove into the function.php:

    But it doesn’t fix the problem.

    Can I be a problem with the editor. I_m using the classic editor and the siteorigen page builder to create posts and sites.

    Do you have any idea? If you need my login-dates, please let me know.



    I’m using a childtheme from “GeneratePressVersion: 3.5.1” and “GenerateBlocks 1.9.1.

  • Hi Heinz,

    Try to disable your other functions in the child theme first, if that doesn’t work, disable the classic editor plugin to test.

    Let me know 🙂

    Feel free to open a new topic and share the login with us.

  • Hi Ying,
    Yes, the classic editor seems to be the problem.

    1.) I installed the “classic editor” plugin.
    2.) I deactivated the classic editor.
    3.) I edit the hook.

    It works fine!

    Thankyou very much.


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