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hover effects on image

  • Hi there,

    I have a Pro version. Can you guide me through making image hover effects like those in the link? Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    You’ll need to experiment with the Effects module to achieve that effect.

    Unfortunately, we can’t provide the exact settings for the Effects module, but I can offer some CSS to achieve that, assuming you already have a layout similar to the example and just need to add the effect.

  • Hi Alvind,

    Can you share me the CSS code and I’ll try them out tomorrow.

    Appreciate it.

  • Can you link me to the page and section where you want this effect to be applied? I need to see the selector to provide the correct CSS.

  • Sure, I just add some comments in private information.

  • Hi there,

    as those images are not 100% width of the container and you want to maintain the border radius ( I assume ) then it will require some CSS:

    .has-zoom-image figure {
        width: max-content;
        margin-inline: auto;
        overflow: hidden;
        border-radius: 20px;
    .has-zoom-image figure img {
        transition: transform  0.2s ease;
    .has-zoom-image figure:hover img {
        transform: scale(1.1);  

    Then select the Container Block that has the image inside and give it a CSS Class of: has-zoom-image

    Note the CSS adds border-radius and auto margins ( to center ) to the figure element which wraps the image. This is so the image can be zoomed into and not scaled bigger.

  • Hi David,

    Thank you so much. The code works.

    If I add a container outside the image, can I get the same hover effect with the image block instead of additional CSS?

  • So if you add the Container Block around the image, and set the Container Blocks:

    i) Layout > Overflow X & Y to hidden
    ii) Sizing > Width to max-content
    iii) Spacing > Margin Left & Right to auto
    iv) Border Radius , set the border radius here instead of the image block

    Then select the Image Block, and create a Transform effect

    Set the:
    Type to Scale, Device to Desktop, State to Hover and Target to Self.
    Then adjust the scale for the effect.
    Then Click to add the Transition

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