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How do I fix my navigation menu so it’s mobile responsive?

  • I’m new to Generatepress but I was able to build a navigation menu for a single page website that looks and functions the way I want on desktop, but doesn’t transfer to mobile view. I guess I must’ve built it wrong because I think I remember seeing something about selecting an option to collapse the menu on mobile from a tutorial.

    All of the links are to anchors on the same web page.

  • Hi there,

    the core Navigation Block has a display setting for showing the Overlay on Mobile.
    See here for reference :

    Please note the theme is not responsible for the navigation block, its a WordPress core block.

  • Perfect thanks for clearing that up for me. I was trying to use as many blocks from GP as I could that I forgot about the core blocks.

  • How do I add padding to the menu that pops up on mobile? I’ve been trying to figure this one out but I couldn’t get it unfortunately.

  • The core navigation block comes with very little styling controls especially responsive.
    Do you need to build your own navigation ? As the Themes nav handles this for you.

    If you do want to build it with blocks, then it will need some CSS.
    If you can share a link to the site. I can take a look and provide some

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