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How to achieve grids like this

  • Hey there, I would like to achieve grids like this on the homepage. Please help me with that. I am not using any separate page as homepage. I just added posts as my homepage.

  • Hi there,

    You can start by adding a 3-column Grid block and setting a background image for each column.

    Next, add a Headline block inside each column. To position the headline at the bottom left of the column, use the Flexbox alignment options and select “bottom left” in the alignment matrix.

  • If possible can you please give me the code? so that I can copy paste and get the settings back? Please!

  • Can anyone reply please?

  • Here you go.

    <!-- wp:generateblocks/grid {"uniqueId":"8f4132b5","columns":3,"isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":3} -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"6b4c59b2","isGrid":true,"gridId":"8f4132b5","gradientDirection":190,"gradientColorOne":"var(\u002d\u002dcontrast)","gradientColorTwo":"var(\u002d\u002dbase)","gradientSelector":"pseudo-element","bgImage":{"id":"","image":{"url":"[email protected]"}},"bgOptions":{"selector":"pseudo-element","opacity":1,"overlay":false,"position":"center center","size":"cover","repeat":"no-repeat","attachment":""},"isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":4,"display":"flex","flexDirection":"column","alignItems":"flex-start","justifyContent":"flex-end","position":"relative","overflowX":"hidden","overflowY":"hidden","sizing":{"width":"33.33%","widthMobile":"100%","height":"213px"},"spacing":{"paddingTop":"20px","paddingLeft":"20px","paddingRight":"20px","paddingBottom":""}} -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/headline {"uniqueId":"c7f553bd","element":"p","blockVersion":3,"typography":{"fontSize":"16px"},"textColor":"var(\u002d\u002dbase-2)"} -->
    <p class="gb-headline gb-headline-c7f553bd gb-headline-text"><strong>Everything coming to Tubi September 2024</strong></p>
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/headline -->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/container -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"861c5fe3","isGrid":true,"gridId":"8f4132b5","bgImage":{"id":"","image":{"url":"[email protected]"}},"isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":4,"display":"flex","flexDirection":"column","alignItems":"flex-start","justifyContent":"flex-end","sizing":{"width":"33.33%","widthMobile":"100%","height":"213px"},"spacing":{"paddingTop":"20px","paddingLeft":"20px","paddingRight":"20px","paddingBottom":""}} -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/headline {"uniqueId":"6f3ee10d","element":"p","blockVersion":3,"typography":{"fontSize":"16px"},"textColor":"var(\u002d\u002dbase-2)"} -->
    <p class="gb-headline gb-headline-6f3ee10d gb-headline-text"><strong>Streaming TV racks up huge numbers in July</strong></p>
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/headline -->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/container -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/container {"uniqueId":"4eb5a07c","isGrid":true,"gridId":"8f4132b5","gradientDirection":90,"gradientColorOne":"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)","gradientColorTwo":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.30)","bgImage":{"id":"","image":{"url":"[email protected]"}},"bgOptions":{"selector":"pseudo-element","opacity":1,"overlay":false,"position":"center center","size":"cover","repeat":"no-repeat","attachment":""},"isDynamic":true,"blockVersion":4,"display":"flex","flexDirection":"column","alignItems":"flex-start","justifyContent":"flex-end","position":"relative","overflowX":"hidden","overflowY":"hidden","sizing":{"width":"33.33%","widthMobile":"100%","height":"213px"},"spacing":{"paddingTop":"20px","paddingLeft":"20px","paddingRight":"20px","paddingBottom":""}} -->
    <!-- wp:generateblocks/headline {"uniqueId":"ca439291","element":"p","blockVersion":3,"typography":{"fontSize":"16px"},"textColor":"var(\u002d\u002dbase-3)"} -->
    <p class="gb-headline gb-headline-ca439291 gb-headline-text"><strong>Deadpool & Wolverine Final Trailer reveals a cameo</strong></p>
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/headline -->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/container -->
    <!-- /wp:generateblocks/grid -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
  • So, the grids are showing in the homepage but
    1. I want the grids like fullx size. Like after the grids, sidebar is coming. I don’t want the sidebar. I want the grids full size and after the grids, the sidebar should start (Check private info)
    2. How do I add my content there instead of sample content
    3. How to add hover to the girds?

  • Hi there,

    1. In order to do this, you would have to hook the blocks in above the regular site content/below the header. For this, you would create a new Block Element ( and set the Hook to generate_after_header. Then set the Display Rules to wherever you want this to display (homepage only, entire site, etc…).
    2. What kind of content are you wanting to add? The block editor allows you to click inside each Container and add content as you need, or are you wanting to dynamically pull in content (from blog posts, for example)?
    3. You can use the Container link option if you have GenerateBlocks Pro:

    Let us know 🙂

  • 1. I want to add content of specific category.
    2. Hmm, I don’t have generate blocks. Can you please help me with the css?

  • 1. Add a new blank Query Loop block.

    2. Copy the single column container from the previous grid and paste it inside the new Query Loop block.

    3. In the Query Loop block settings, set Posts per Page to 3.

    4. Add a Query Parameter by selecting Taxonomies > Categories, and input the name of the post category you want to display.

    5. Click on the column container, and under the Dynamic Data block settings, enable Dynamic Data.

    6. Set Data Source to Current Post and Background Image Source to Featured Image.

    7. Select the Headline block, enable Dynamic Data and set Data Source to Current Post and Content Source to Title.

    We can work on the hover effect CSS once the above setup is complete.

  • Hey, I tried doing what you said and the output was like this. I don’t know why. Also, only one post is showing. I selected 3 there.

  • Can someone reply?

  • Can you share a temporary admin login for us to take a closer look on what went wrong?

  • Hey, I just shared. Please have a look into it asap and please setup the grids. Thank you.

  • I just checked the Elements, and the Select Post Type option in the Query Loop settings is not responsive, so I’m unable to proceed:

    We need to take a closer look at this issue first, but since this is a live site, I can’t do much troubleshooting. Do you have a staging site where I can troubleshoot without worrying about breaking anything?

  • Hey, you can go ahead and work on any page of your choice except the homepage.

  • Hi there,

    in Appearance > Elements, I saved the Element titled: Page Hero – Grid
    Publish that element to display it on the home page

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