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How to Adjust Archive Heading

  • I’m having a hard time figuring out how to adjust the styling of the page title for archives. I can create an element that formats the individual archive items how I like, but I’d also like to adjust the title of the page itself. Specifically, I’d like to make the name an H4 and give it a 5px bottom grey border. Is there a way to do this without putting in custom CSS? I’m trying to find a way to keep it within the native GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks settings, but am not sure if it’s possible. Thanks for any help.

  • Hi there,

    but I’d also like to adjust the title of the page itself.

    You can create a block element – page hero for the archive title section.

  • Thanks. Can you tell me how to make it contained within the same content area as the main content? Right now the Hero block spans the full width and is aligned all the way to the left side of the screen. I tried setting the max width to the global default but it still aligns it all the way to the left. I’ve also tried playing with different container settings but can’t seme to get it right.

  • You can choose another hook, eg.before_content instead of after_header:

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