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How to Create a “View More” Button on Homepage Recent Post section

  • Juyel Ahmed Liton

    How to Create a “View More” Button on Homepage Recent Post section Please Help me.
    Simple Screenshot Link:

  • Hi there,

    Does the view more button need to show more posts on the same page, or is it a button that links to the blog page?

    Let me know 🙂

  • Juyel Ahmed Liton

    The same page requires more posts, such as the category page will have the “View More” button along with 9 posts so that clicking will show 9 more posts in this category.

  • In that case, you need to use GP’s default template for the archives, you can NOT use query loop block (loop template)for it.

    Then go to Customizer > layout > blog > content > archives, tick the Use infinite scroll and Use button to load more posts boxes.

    And your homepage has to be the posts page, it can NOT be a static page like right now.

    So to go settings > reading, and set the posts page as the homepage.

  • Juyel Ahmed Liton

    Also I asked for another support so no need to answer here. thank you

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