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How to make Full Width Content Container be the default?

  • Hi,

    I’m building a website using the Brand theme and I would like to have the Full Width Content Container be the default across the website.

    I’ve set it like that on all pages, using the Content Metabox, however, certain other pages for which I don;t have a specific page build still display without busing the full width container such as search results, 404, archives, etc.

    How can I set it so that all those other pages display using the full width container by default?


  • Hi there,

    you can use a Layout Element:

    And set the Content > Container Width to Full Width.
    Then apply the Display Rules Location to where you require it eg. ALL Pages.
    Or you can set it to the Entire Site, and Exclude the places you do not want it.

  • Thanks David,

    That works.


  • Glad to hear that

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