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How to make the homepage blog posts containers are all clickable?

  • Hello,

    I want to make all the blog post containers or the images in the containers are clickable even the blog posts I will create in the future. I want to click on the container then it will lead me to the that post to read the content.

    Here is the screenshot:

    Best Regards,


  • There is a bug when I tried to add a link to the container. No matter from Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.

    Please take a look here:

  • Hi there,

    Can I see your site? And have you checked the font end? Is it displaying correctly?

    Please note that the editor does not show 100% the same as the front end.

  • Hello Ying,

    I will attach my site link in private information field. What’s the front end for my site?

  • Have you activated the container links on the container? Currently, there are no links attached to it. If you added it but it’s not working, it’s something to look into.

  • There was a bug that when I want to add the link to to container, the link filed just was a very small field even though I input the link there, it doesn’t show up. However, it became normal this afternoon, very wired…

    Thank you a lot for helping me resolve my issue. I will come back if the bug still there

    Thank you again!

  • No problem at all 😊

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