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icon svg/png file instead of using svg html

  • Hi there,

    I would like to use HEADLINE to add a social medial icon.
    However, I don’t find the specific one at ICON/ICON SVG HTML/General or Social.
    In this case, instead of using SVG HTML, could I uplaod a svg file?

    I only have .svg or .png for that icon.


  • Hi there,

    in GenerateBlocks, yes you can add your own inline SVG.
    First open your SVG file in this site:

    Then copy the markup and paste it into the SVG HTML field of your Headline or Buttons block.

  • Fantastic !! This program works great.

  • Glad to hear that!!

  • I uploaded a svg file and copy, past into SVG HTML field.

    It looks good while editing it.
    However, if you look at it by viewing the page, it’s not right, the images were cut a little bilaterally.

    Any ideas?

  • this is what i see:

    Whats the issue ?

  • It looks good on your side.
    I also try to view it with iPad, it looks ok.

    The problem happens while accessing the page on desktop and mobile phone.

    I upload the screen capture and attach the link as private info.

  • Which browser or device are you viewing it on that has the issue ?

  • This happens on:
    Chrome& Microsoft edge on Windows 11, 1920×1080
    Chrome on android phone

    chrome or safari on iPad =>ok

  • Ah ok, its a problem with the SVG – it has a clipPath that Chromium doesn’t like
    I cleaned the SVG up.
    Try this:

    <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2" viewBox="0 0 150 150"><path d="M117.5 150h-85C14.553 150 0 135.453 0 117.5v-85C0 14.553 14.552 0 32.5 0h85C135.447 0 150 14.552 150 32.5v85c0 17.947-14.552 32.5-32.505 32.5" style="fill:#00b900;fill-rule:nonzero"/><path d="M129.369 68.4c0-24.436-24.5-44.316-54.613-44.316-30.116 0-54.611 19.88-54.611 44.317 0 21.911 19.427 40.255 45.672 43.724 1.776.386 4.199 1.178 4.814 2.698.546 1.38.36 3.541.172 4.937l-.776 4.677c-.24 1.38-1.1 5.4 4.728 2.943 5.828-2.459 31.453-18.52 42.912-31.708h-.006c7.918-8.677 11.708-17.489 11.708-27.271" style="fill:#fff;fill-rule:nonzero"/><path d="M63.661 56.6h-3.833c-.582.002-1.06.48-1.063 1.061v23.798c0 .588.48 1.057 1.063 1.057H63.668c.579 0 1.056-.477 1.056-1.056V57.659c0-.582-.478-1.06-1.06-1.06h-.003m26.37.005h-3.843c-.584 0-1.065.479-1.068 1.063v14.136L74.213 57.079c-.02-.038-.052-.074-.077-.11l-.089-.089-.063-.047c-.005-.01-.015-.016-.027-.021l-.05-.04a.184.184 0 0 0-.038-.017l-.052-.031-.036-.021-.062-.027-.031-.009a.235.235 0 0 0-.068-.022l-.037-.009-.056-.011c-.016-.005-.032-.005-.048-.005-.02-.005-.036-.005-.058-.011h-.052c-.014 0-.026-.005-.04-.005H69.5a1.07 1.07 0 0 0-1.063 1.063v23.797a1.06 1.06 0 0 0 1.063 1.057h3.828c.593 0 1.067-.469 1.067-1.057V67.328l10.917 14.751c. 0 . 1.06 0 0 0 1.055-1.053V57.652a1.07 1.07 0 0 0-1.063-1.063M54.427 76.557H44.016V57.653c0-.581-.478-1.06-1.06-1.06h-3.831c-.584 0-1.065.479-1.068 1.063v23.792c-. 0 1.062-.48 1.062-1.063v-3.84c0-.58-.477-1.057-1.057-1.057h-.005m56.756-14.004h.002c.582 0 1.06-.479 1.06-1.06V57.648c0-.582-.478-1.06-1.06-1.06H95.876a.999.999 0 0 0-.736.303c-.004.005-.009.005-.015.01 0 .006-.01.011-.016.02a1.1 1.1 0 0 0-.292.73v23.797c0 .287.115.547.298.733l. 0 1.06-.479 1.06-1.06v-3.84c0-.582-.478-1.06-1.06-1.06h-10.404v-4.022h10.407c.284.005.557-.108.755-.312.201-.196.312-.468.306-.749v-3.839c0-.58-.477-1.057-1.057-1.057h-10.411v-4.021h10.412l-.01-.004Z" style="fill:#00b900;fill-rule:nonzero"/></svg>
  • SUPER!! It works well now.

  • Glad to hear that!

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