Hi there,
How are you ?
The hero image is perfectly displayed on desktop and mobile but not on tablet : http://www.adrien-falcon.com.
On tablet, the image is displayed on the left : https://prnt.sc/vc0SDIYNTO_3
Can you please let me know how to solve this issue ?
Geoffrey -
Hi there,
in the (current 1.x) free version of GenerateBlocks it will require some CSS:
@media(max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 769px) { .tab-bg-adjust:before { background-position: 37vw bottom !important; } }
Then select the Container block with the background image and in Advanced > Additional CSS Classes add:
Hi David !
This is live. Can you please confirm if this worked ?
Do you have any way to have a preview on tablet ?
The generatepress preview does not match the actual display on the website
Thanks a lot !
Geoffrey -
Looks ok to me. Screenshot for reference:
Hi David,
Thanks for the feedback.
You sent a preview and as mentioned, this does not reflect the actual result on tablet.
Here is the current layout on tablet : https://prnt.sc/M2iu35RmUh-j
How can we move the image to the right to have a better balance ?
Thanks a lot.
Geoffrey -
And this CSS:
@media(max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 769px) { .gb-container-0af9db98:before { background-position: right bottom; } }
Hi Ying,
Can you confirm integration is ok ?
Geoffrey -
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