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Image size for featured column in blog page

  • Hi,

    I’ve set up the blog page (posts archive) to display in 3 columns, with the first article styled as “featured.”

    Under “Customizer > Layout > Blog > Media Attachment Size”, I’ve set the “medium” size, which works well for the articles in columns. However, I’d like to use a larger image size specifically for the featured column, as it’s set to 100% width in CSS.

    Is there a way to adjust the media size only for that featured article?

  • Yes, try this PHP code:

    add_filter( 'generate_page_header_default_size', function( $size ) {
        $classes = get_post_class();
        if ( in_array( 'featured-column', $classes ) ) {
            return 'full'; //change full to the size you want to use
        return $size;
    }, 20 );

    Adding PHP:

  • Hi Ying,

    Sorry, I just realized that I never replied to this thread.

    The solution you suggested works perfectly, thank you.

  • Glad to hear that 🙂

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